今天在讨论中大家想在我们的搜索页将搜索热词用wordpress中常见的tag云的形式来展示,功能不足噱头补嘛 XD
下午大概的看了一下cloudtag imp4的代码,很简洁,核心的功能实现在一个TagCloudView中。其中,响应用户操作的代码,放在了view的public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e)
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) { float x = e.getX(); float y = e.getY(); // Log.d(TAG, "motion:x=["+x+"] y=["+y+"] action is ["+e.getAction()+"]"); switch (e.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: //rotate elements depending on how far the selection point is from center of cloud float dx = x - centerX; float dy = y - centerY; Log.d(TAG, "motion:dx=["+dx+"] dy=["+dy+"] action is ["+e.getAction()+"]"); mAngleX = ( dy/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR; mAngleY = (-dx/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR; mTagCloud.setAngleX(mAngleX); mTagCloud.setAngleY(mAngleY); mTagCloud.update(); Iterator it=mTagCloud.iterator(); Tag tempTag; while (it.hasNext()){ tempTag= (Tag) it.next(); mParams.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).setMargins( (int) (centerX -shiftLeft + tempTag.getLoc2DX()), (int) (centerY + tempTag.getLoc2DY()), 0, 0); mTextView.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).setTextSize((int)(tempTag.getTextSize() * tempTag.getScale())); int mergedColor = Color.argb( (int) (tempTag.getAlpha() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorR() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorG() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorB() * 255)); mTextView.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).setTextColor(mergedColor); mTextView.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).bringToFront(); } break; /*case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: //now it is clicked!!!! dx = x - centerX; dy = y - centerY; break;*/ } return true; }
@Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) { float x = e.getX(); float y = e.getY(); // Log.d(TAG, "motion:x=["+x+"] y=["+y+"] action is ["+e.getAction()+"]"); switch (e.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: oldX = x; oldY = y; Log.d(TAG, "motion:x=["+x+"] y=["+y+"] action is ["+e.getAction()+"]"); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: //rotate elements depending on how far the selection point is from center of cloud float dx = x - oldX; float dy = y - oldY; oldX = x; oldY = y; Log.d(TAG, "motion:dx=["+dx+"] dy=["+dy+"] action is ["+e.getAction()+"]"); mAngleX = ( dy/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR; mAngleY = (-dx/radius) *tspeed * TOUCH_SCALE_FACTOR; mTagCloud.setAngleX(mAngleX); mTagCloud.setAngleY(mAngleY); mTagCloud.update(); Iterator it=mTagCloud.iterator(); Tag tempTag; while (it.hasNext()){ tempTag= (Tag) it.next(); mParams.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).setMargins( (int) (centerX -shiftLeft + tempTag.getLoc2DX()), (int) (centerY + tempTag.getLoc2DY()), 0, 0); mTextView.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).setTextSize((int)(tempTag.getTextSize() * tempTag.getScale())); int mergedColor = Color.argb( (int) (tempTag.getAlpha() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorR() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorG() * 255), (int) (tempTag.getColorB() * 255)); mTextView.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).setTextColor(mergedColor); mTextView.get(tempTag.getParamNo()).bringToFront(); } break; /*case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: //now it is clicked!!!! dx = x - centerX; dy = y - centerY; break;*/ } return true; }
@Override public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent e) { float x = e.getX(); float y = e.getY(); boolean result = true; if (e.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) { return false; } else { oldX = x; oldY = y; result = super.dispatchTouchEvent(e); } Log.d(TAG, "action is :" + e.getAction()); Log.d(TAG, "result is :" + result); return result; }